Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Erotic lingerie and taking care about it

Erotic lingerie – that is special sort of lingerie, which is created according to mode of erotology.
That lingerie represents a minimum of textiles, seam and button, and they have neck in all erotic places of the body.
Usual underclothing wears below outer garments, and erotic lingerie - in place of it.
Appear in public with underclothing is very uncomfortable, but in erotic lingerie we feel fancy and provocative.
For erotic lingerie it is used lattice with wrought by leather, gum elastic (latex), metal.
Special advice for couples: for the first time if you get into erotic lingerie tell about this idea to your sexual partner, to avoid unwanted reaction.
Advice for usage underwear by latex
- Upon purchase is necessary to assure yourself of integrity of lingerie: holes and mottle.
- Item size must be selected personally, because this elastic material is not appropriated for intense expansion.
- Latex product involve special care