Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Erotic lingerie and taking care about it

Erotic lingerie – that is special sort of lingerie, which is created according to mode of erotology.
That lingerie represents a minimum of textiles, seam and button, and they have neck in all erotic places of the body.
Usual underclothing wears below outer garments, and erotic lingerie - in place of it.
Appear in public with underclothing is very uncomfortable, but in erotic lingerie we feel fancy and provocative.
For erotic lingerie it is used lattice with wrought by leather, gum elastic (latex), metal.
Special advice for couples: for the first time if you get into erotic lingerie tell about this idea to your sexual partner, to avoid unwanted reaction.
Advice for usage underwear by latex
- Upon purchase is necessary to assure yourself of integrity of lingerie: holes and mottle.
- Item size must be selected personally, because this elastic material is not appropriated for intense expansion.
- Latex product involve special care
Friday, November 23, 2007

For men who want to have sex in the absence of partners, there are inflatable plastic dolls.
These sex dolls are big, full-size-some of them can be filled warm water, and it is just a rubber vagina.
It’s a joke called "the most accessible prostitute in the world" because this "toy" you can carry with them and where and when to use anywhere. With Diversity aids most couples still best suited vibrator.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Oral simulator is sex toy simulated mouth, using creating effect of oral sex.
According to the functional characteristics is akin oral simulator of vagina.
Oral simulator of vagina and manufacture of flexible materials: The male member is covered by soft and warm material, causing occupancy Sachs impressed with the real woman.
In porn sold intimate with a vibrating device and suck functions, there are also simple models, which appear in the movement itself. There is a simple model without visual effect, and there are models that replicate all female sexual organs sponges’ sex, anal and pubic hair.
The man is a real sense in the use of bright vagina, because male penis actively massage walls vagina, and if equipped with a vagina soft knobble or pork, located inside, and also suck or vibrating mechanism, it received orgasm not possibly compare with nothing.
It has its own unique effect, and recommended in the absence of real women intervals.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Sex toy, prosthesis of phallus

Prosthesis of phallus (sex toy) fills the deficit of male force, as in a live, and in a portable sense. Most men over the age of 50 years are becoming partial or complete impotence, but there is a favorite of women, which is not spent few years, and want to bring it to sexual satisfaction, but ...
I came here to help prosthesis of phallus, of course, it is no substitute for the male member present, but the maximum fill his shortcoming.
Moreover, there strap on kits, which include a few prosthesis of phallus, that is you can change them at its discretion, or if desired partners.
For young prosthesis of phallus or sex toy is useful as an element of diversity Sex Toys for sex. Women can feel men, and in so doing, and get the most pleasure, because it is sex toy constructed buildings in the light of women's genitals with sprouts for vaginal, anal or clitorises strap on stimulation of the holder.
Sexual prosthesis of phallus (sex toy) partially substitutes for the absence of the male penis, and most members (genital trauma or amputation). It is manufactured sex toy and prosthesis of phallus of latex, or ultra-skin cyber skin.
Do not be afraid to experiment, the sex-these are the positions that sex with the woman-bottom, the top man ", which has long ceased to be a standard of decency.
This sex is something that your imagination. Realize their fantasies in real sex with her partner, a sex toy and other Sex Toys help you in this wonderful effort.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Invented ideal sex toy for 7,000 euros

Aeromechanics Michael Harriman from
According to the inventor enthusiast, it goes "it is almost impossible to distinguish from real women: near android even faster" heart "of a special motor in the chest.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Toys for anal sex

The advantage of using artificial member instead of the penis for stimulation anal area is that you can rotate in any direction to the desired point massage rectal inside. To do this, you first need to identify the point must be nurtured.
When it comes to the use of condoms in anal sex, it should be noted that:
Condoms Avanti or Trojan Supra made of polyurethane and therefore have every chance of success in this pirate-lovers anal sex. They are not recommended for use in anal sex FDA (Office of quality control products and medicines dollars). They are thinner than normal condoms, and can be used with oil-based lubricant. On the other hand, they are less strong and can be tearing, and in that sense they are considerably less good latex condoms, which, compared with just working horses.
Latex condoms with lubricant on the basis of silicon (silicone is lubricant water-based). Silicon grease can not damage the latex condom and make it even more slippery than
REALITY is a new condom for women, which is intended for use in vaginal sexual intercourse, but it is not important. Some women have successfully used it for anal sex. Moreover, it can also be used to masseur’s condoms.
This condom, however, there is one negative it is difficult to insert in the anal opening, and in that sense REALTY throws people call. FDA does not recommend that the use of a condom for anal sex act.
Do not use for anal sex or pimple ribbed condoms. It would be great if you wear a condom at your sex toys, which used to rectum, neglecting them (in the sense toys) after thoroughly wash your anal Eve.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Do you use clitoral sex toys?

Clitoral stimulator(sex toys) – is a product, meant for stimulation of clitoral zone.
It doesn’t depend on the complexity of product, its form and size, all clitoral stimulators serve a role of unique exerciser, manipulating which lets you learn your own sexual reactions, realize all unbelievable sexual fantasies, use them during sexual games with the partner.
This product is equipped with a vibrator, operating which is done by with help of special remote control.
The product can have special accessories for fastening in the clitoris zone (this can be either elastic gums, or special panties).
Clitoral toys

Clitoris – is the female sex organ, which consists of erective tissue and represents reduced analog of man penis.
This organ swells up during arousal and is meant only for receiving pleasure.
Stimulation of clitoris with sex toys – is an important element of love game, during which 90% of women reach the condition of orgasm.
It is not less important to stimulate it during the sexual act, but, you have to agree, this region has not always the necessary amount of attention.